Cllr. Robert Aylward
It is a great privilege for me as Cathaoirleach of Kilkenny County Council to introduce the Annual Report for 2003. The Report outlines the Council's many and varied activities throughout the County across all services.
Area Plans were adopted for Piltown, Fiddown, Mooncoin and Gowran. The Local Area Plan for the development of the Western Environs of Kilkenny City was published and adopted. The Kilkenny Recreational Needs Report was also prepared and adopted by the Council.
I welcome the increase in the number of recycling centres in the County to 55.
Kerbide collection of dry recyclables was introduced in November, 2003 and will lead to a substantial reduction in the amount of waste going to landfill.
A dedicated enforcement team was set up in January, 2004 to deal with the problem of unauthorised dumping and complaints from the public etc.
Kilkenny County Council in partnership with the Heritage Council appointed a Heritage Officer in July, 2003 to ensure the protection, conservation and enhancement of Kilkenny's heritage.
Progress has been made on various infrastructural projects such as the M. 8/N. 8 Cullahill to Cashel Scheme, the N. 9/N. 10 Kilcullen to Waterford Scheme and the N. 24 Mooncoin By-Pass, N. 77 Kilkenny Ring Road extension.
Under the serviced land initiative works were completed on the Ballyragget Sewerage Scheme Upgrade and Urlingford Sewerage Scheme Upgrade. Works on the Callan Sewerage Scheme upgrade are continuing.
A total of 351 families were assisted by the housing department under the various options of the plan for social housing in 2003.
A total of €10.5 million expenditure was incurred in loans of which €1.6 million was in respect of Affordable Housing.
47 disabled persons grants were paid to persons undertaking necessary renovation works for disabled persons.
33 units of accommodation were provided by the voluntary housing sector.
99 houses were commenced under the housing construction programme in 2003. Restoration works at Woodstock Gardens continued in 2003 which included the landscaping of the grotto and arboretum etc.
I would like to acknowledge the co-operation and assistance of my fellow Councillors and to take this opportunity to put on record my appreciation. I would also like to pay tribute to the County Manager and Staff for the manner in which they assisted me in the performance of my role. My time as Cathaoirleach has proven to be a very fulfilling and rewarding experience and I look forward to meeting the challenges that lie ahead.
I would like to express thanks to my predecessor Teresa Mullen for the help and co-operation shown during the year.
Robert Aylward